The Meaning Of VPN (virtual private network)

VPN - is a way to make a network "private" and secure by using public networks such as the internet. VPN can send data between two computers that pass through a public network so as if it is connected point to point. The data is encapsulated (wrapped) with a header containing routing information to get a point to point connection so that the data can pass through the public network and can reach the end destination. Simply put, VPN connects smartphones, tablets, PCs to other computers (commonly called VPN Servers) in a place that is connected to the internet, and allows you to surf the internet using a computer internet network. So if the computer (server) is in a different country, it will be the country that you use when the internet tries to hit you through that connection and you can access something that you cannot access from your country by VPN.
What is VPN (Virtual Private Network)? Understanding VPN is a connection between one network with another network in private (private) through a public network (internet). The following explains the meaning of each word on the Virtual Private Network :
In the old days, VPN (Virtual Private Network) was created to securely connect networks between office buildings and using office networks from home or other places. Whereas at the moment, VPN Online is already widely used by internet users around the world.The purpose? Of course to get a connection to the internet safely, privately (private), and can access a network remotely. Meanwhile, to get a private connection, the data sent must be encrypted first to maintain confidentiality so that packets caught when passing through the public network are not readable because they have to go through the decryption process. The process of data encapsulation is often called "tunnelling". You can access the office server through a VPN anywhere, whether it is at home or on the road safely even though you use internet network infrastructure in its use.
In the user's view, a VPN connection is a point to point connection between the user computer and the corporate server and data is sent over a "dedicated" network, even though this is not the case. Criteria that VPN must meet :
VPN was developed to build a network with wide reach through the internet network.Intranet has become an important component in a company today. Intranet in the company will develop following the development of the company. In other words, the larger a company is, the greater the intranet required. This problem will be more complex if the company has many branch offices spread across various cities with long distances. Whereas on the other hand all of these offices need a method to always be in touch, for example, to transfer and synchronize data they need a Free VPN. Initially, the intranet system was developed using a dedicated line system. This system offers high data transfer speeds but requires expensive investment. This system is not effective for middle to lower class companies and companies that are spread out in different areas.
The rapid development of intranets offers solutions for building an intranet using a public network (internet). On the other hand, the strength of industry also develops and demands the fulfilment of five needs on an intranet, namely :
The solution to this challenge is VPN (Virtual Private Network) technology. VPN utilizes internet network as an intranet media so that its coverage area becomes broad without a large investment. VPN Private brings technology that secures all virtual network traffic on the internet so that it provides a sense of security for all network users.
After the VPN network was created, maintenance costs were very low. Moreover, if you choose a service provider, network settings and surveillance are no longer a problem.
The use of a VPN that is not wise, such as too often opening social networks, browsing, or surfing in cyberspace can cause internet addiction. It is true that by communicating through cyberspace, we can erase distance, so we can communicate with fellow internet users who are in very far away locations. The term is closer. There are several risks if you do not use VPN while surfing the internet. But don't let the internet make us communicate too often in cyberspace, to neglect communication in the real world, with people around us. Do not let the use of the internet be closer to the far, and keep them close.
In the case of VPN, there is a way to get an ID belonging to someone else, not infrequently a cracker tries to steal a password file from a system, then analyzes it. More than that, crackers in private or in a syndicate, try to steal confidential data of a company to be sold to opposing companies.
Trap ProgramTrojan Horse (Trojan horse) is already known as one of the cracker techniques that is very effective and is often used in crimes on the Internet and therefore you need to use VPN. Cracker provides a free program, which has good features (many useful program functions) and is easy to use and user-friendly, but in the program, the cracker implants other programs that are not visible to the user. For example, programs for ID and password theft, theft of certain files and others.